Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) of a Vulnerable Coastal Community in Trinidad about Ecosystem-based Approaches for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA): A Validation Study Coastal communities are highly vulnerable to climate-related disasters. Ecosystem-based approaches are crucial to adapting to climate change. It is paramount to foster social inclusion to assess people’s perception of nature as a tool for adaptation. KAPs are essential to gather baseline information that evaluate these perceptions. To date, for Trinidad and Tobago, there is no validated instrument to evaluate coastal communities’ KAP in relation to Ecosystem-based Approaches, DRR and CCA and as such, this study aims to develop and validate this instrument. |
Late Holocene ostracod faunal assemblages from Freshwater Pond, Barbuda Enhanced rates of environmental change pose a significant threat to freshwater organisms within the Caribbean. Given the pivotal role that these organisms play in supporting ecosystem function, it has become increasingly necessary to understand how they will respond to future changes. This study provides an in-depth analysis of how ostracod populations from Freshwater Pond in Barbuda have responded to environmental changes in the past. |
Assessing the risks to embankment dams in the Caribbean from climate change Embankment dams are essential for the water management schemes in many countries within the Caribbean, providing for water utility, flood control and agricultural needs among many other purposes. However, the impact of climate change on these structures and the water management systems in the region is becoming more evident as time progresses, with extreme weather events increasing in both frequency and intensity. |
Impact Of Climate Change On Precipitation and Potable Water Resources In The Bahamas The Bahamas is one of the foremost climate-vulnerable countries in the world. Small island nations’ freshwater supplies are already threatened by sea-level rise and groundwater extraction; nevertheless, increased aridity from climate change adds to the burden. This research aims to see how climate change affects precipitation and drinkable water in the Bahamas. For the historical data analysis, a summary of descriptive statistics and Mann Kendall test procedures were used to indicate the existence of any possible trends. |
Using Low-Cost Drones to Map Habitat Change in Bahamian National Parks Habitat monitoring can be challenging as conservation organizations are typically under resourced and areas can be remote or inaccessible. In a world where environmental issues like |