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CCRIF Stakeholder Retreat, Miami 2018

Development of CCRIF Strategic Plan 2018-2021

CCRIF opted to take a new approach to the development of its new strategic plan to cover the period 2018-2021.
The Facility engaged its members and key stakeholders in a range of participatory activities to assist in defining the strategic direction of the Facility over its second decade. CCRIF hosted a 1-day stakeholder retreat, which involved participation from over 45 individuals comprising member governments, international development partners and key regional organizations. The retreat utilized the Design Thinking Approach Methodology and allowed participants to review and reflect on the service provided by CCRIF over the years, to renew perspectives on the contributions of the Facility to debt and fiscal sustainability within countries and provided an opportunity to facilitate dialogue on lessons learned. Member governments also were given the opportunity to engage in open and frank discussion on CCRIF policies, premiums and products and to strategically engage in defining CCRIF’s way forward to 2030 to better support disaster risk management, and poverty reduction in the region, consistent with Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and members’ own long-term development visions and plans.

Stakeholders indicated that CCRIF is an exemplar in its field of work and were pleased that the Facility partners with member countries to find innovative solutions to cope with improving resilience. They also reiterated the value of membership in CCRIF and supported and welcomed the call for the scaling up of the Facility. Ideas and strategies emerging from participants included:

  • Broadening CCRIF’s research and development capacity
  • Determining how best the Facility could provide in-country support for strengthening national comprehensive disaster risk management strategies
  • Utilizing the CCRIF models and the modelling work undertaken by the Facility to enhance country decision-making processes around disaster risk reduction

Participants also were encouraged that CCRIF, in collaboration with the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative, will be focusing on increasing the number of low-income persons in the region who have access to climate risk insurance through the Livelihood Protection Policy and increasing the number of companies in the region offering this microinsurance to the most vulnerable in our societies.

The robust and candid discussions underpinning the retreat provided key inputs into the strategic plan that was consequently developed and also played a role in further increasing appreciation for and awareness of the value of CCRIF SPC among members.
