Overview of CCRIF Small Grants Programme
Under the Small Grants Programme, CCRIF will finance small projects conceptualised and managed by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community-based organisations (CBOs), charity organisations and/or mandated by National Disaster Coordinators in local communities across CCRIF member countries and/or CARICOM member countries.
Each project should fall within the range of US$5,000 to US$25,000.
All projects submitted for consideration must be of relevance to CCRIF and its regional mandate and agenda and can therefore be inclusive of, but not limited to projects related to the following broad areas:
- Disaster risk management
- Engineering
- Climate change adaptation
- Training and other capacity building initiatives to be implemented through seminars, workshops, community consultations, and expert group meetings among others
- Environmental management initiatives that will directly impact on reducing community vulnerability (e.g. watershed management projects in degraded areas, which will contribute to enhancing resilience in nearby communities)

All registered NGOs, CBOs, charity or non-profit organisations, national disaster coordinating bodies and universities operating within local communities across CCRIF member countries in the Caribbean and/or CARICOM member countries are eligible for funding.
Organisations directly funded from state budgets such as departments or agencies within government ministries are not eligible for funding.
Submission Guidelines
Proposals must be submitted electronically using the CCRIF website and specifically through the CCRIF Small Grants online platform located at here.
The online system is configured for applicants to register and submit the proposal themselves. The basic steps for submitting the proposal are:
Step 1 - Registration: Create an account (username and password) for your organisation (Organisations will only be required to register once) by clicking here.
Step 2 - Organisation Profile: All the required information has to be completed, before the account can be created.
Step 3 - New Proposal: To submit a new proposal, go to the Small Grants Proposal Submission page and follow the instructions that appear (complete the application information. (Note: The link to submit a proposal is accessible to only registered "Small Grants users"!)
Deadlines for Applications
Proposals for small grants may be submitted for consideration at any time during the year. As such, CCRIF will not have a specific call for small grant proposals. Proposals will be evaluated every quarter.
Applicants can access the online small grants platform to update their registration information and note any changes to their organization.
English is the official language of CCRIF and therefore project proposals and all official correspondence with the facility must be submitted in English.
Expected information to be included in the project proposal, details about the project selection criteria, announcements of results, contractual terms, and project implementation - can be found here.
CCRIF Approves 5 Grants to Support Disaster Risk Reduction in Communities across the Region
CCRIF recently approved five grants totalling US$110,189 to NGOs to implement projects to increase resilience to natural hazards and climate change in communities across seven countries. As shown in the table below, these projects will be implemented in Jamaica, Haiti, Dominica, Grenada, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad & Tobago.
Organization and Country |
Description of CCRIF-funded Project |
Grant (US$) |
Caribbean Policy Development Centre (CPDC)
Dominica, Grenada, St. Vincent & the Grenadines
Based in Barbados, CPDC is a coalition of Caribbean NGOs and aims to sensitize NGOs and the general public on key policy issues and to impact policy makers on decisions which put the interest of Caribbean people at the centre of Caribbean development.
Strengthening the capacity of small farmers in Dominica, Grenada, St. Vincent & the Grenadines to respond to the effects of natural disasters – through preparation of a training manual and conducting farmer workshops on the socio-economic effects of natural disasters on their farming operations and how to apply climate adaptation and disaster risk management measures
Overall Project Impact: This project will improve the long-term livelihoods of farmers who are vulnerable to torrential rains, flooding, sea level rise and droughts. |
24,960 |
Trinidad & Tobago
IAMovement is a grassroots non-profit organization which was founded by a group of young people who came together, aiming to effect positive social and environmental change. |
Using vetiver grass to stabilize hillside farming areas in 2 rural communities in Trinidad, Moruga and Paramin, and building farmers’ capacity to maintain the vetiver system.
Overall Project Impact: The project will reduce the vulnerability of these communities to excess rainfall, soil erosion, flooding etc. which has resulted in damaged roads, homes and other infrastructure and will contribute to more sustainable livelihoods as it relates to agricultural production.
23,000 |
The CaribShare Company
CaribShare is a not-for-profit social enterprise dedicated to promoting and developing biogas technology and other climate resilience building solutions in Jamaica and the Caribbean.
Rehabilitating the soil ecosystem by applying liquid organic fertilizer from the company’s waste-to-fertilizer programme to facilitate climate resilient sustainable agriculture in the coastal small farming community of Braco, Trelawny in Jamaica.
Overall Project Impact: The project will strengthen community support for agriculture as an alternative to tourism as a source of livelihood.
24,000 |
Unite Caribbean Ltd.
Saint Lucia
Unite Caribbean is a development cooperation Consulting Firm |
Public awareness component within the RePLAST-OECS Pilot Plastic Recycling Project. The overall project is designed to create a sustainable solution to the issue of plastic disposal in the OECS Member States. The public awareness activities will include a Meet a RePLAST Hero Series, videos etc.
Overall Project Impact: The project will create a system that moves from collection to export, thus removing Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) and High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic bottles from the environment while also creating new financial flows from the export of plastic to be recycled.
24,000 |
Fondation Amour de Dieu en Action (FADA)
FADA is a humanitarian non-governmental organization |
Building a footbridge over the River Maniche to connect the city centre of Maniche with the surrounding areas during times of flooding when the river overflows.
Overall Project Impact: The project will facilitate the movement of humanitarian aid during emergencies so that 8,000 inhabitants of the 8th communal section that tend to be cut off during period of tropical cyclones and heavy rainfall can access aid.
14,229 |